DevLog 9

Hello and thank you for checking in on our 9th devlog! Lots of work has been made to prepare for our beta presentation

November 16-18:
- Adjusted levels to better separate the difference between a platform that can be thrown or jumped to after the ledge handling has been implemented
- Conducted a playtest and players enjoyed the game much much more than from our first! Significant improvement has been made and our game feels fully playable and enjoyable for our first level
- After observing the playtesters, we decided to create a tutorial level to fully flesh out the experience and make playing feel more intuitive
- Added ambient noise

November 19-21:
- Implemented the platform assets made by our artists into the game
- Fixed camera shadow issues
- Resolved collider bugs being finnicky
- Adjusted pick-up and throw mechanic to allow more control for players to aim

Next Steps:
- Implement 2D UI assets and animations
- Finalize our second level
- Add in more sound effects where it makes sense (e.g. yanking, respawn sounds, etc.)

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